
Episode 13: Dickens Boz in Oz Christmas special

2019-12-13T15:33:45+11:00Categories: Episodes|Tags: , , , , , , |

Word of Mouth TV tags along for the Boz in Oz conference and discovers Charles Dickens’ great association with Australia. Of course, few authors conjure Christmas more readily than Dickens. Join us as we explore the mystery of the Dickens statue in Sydney’s Centennial Park, and interview some of Australia’s leading authorities on Dickens before gathering for a Dickensian feast at the beautiful historic Vaucluse House. As author of the classic Christmas novel The Christmas Carol, our Boz in Oz special seemed the perfect choice to celebrate the Christmas season. Enjoy!

Episode 8: Natasha Lester – The Paris Seamstress

2018-10-05T18:41:08+10:00Categories: Episodes|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Word of Mouth TV interviews Natasha Lester, author of The Paris Seamstress - a feast for fashionistas and romantics everywhere. The Paris Seamstress has gained accolades from all corners of the world, which is appropriate given it spans the globe, taking readers from Paris to New York and Australia and back again. And it's not just a fashion feast; we served Natasha a divine lobster and salmon mousse with caviar, inspired by a scene in the novel. Enjoy!